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September 4, 2016

Enduring Till The End

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 5:7–20

August 28, 2016

What Do You Treasure?

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 5:1–6

August 21, 2016

If the Lord Wills

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 4:13–17

August 14, 2016

Surging Forward Together in Grace

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 4:1–12

August 7, 2016

Life in a Gospel Culture

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 3:13–18

July 31, 2016

Wordcraft: Danger and Design of our Speech

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 3:1–12

July 24, 2016

Diagnosing Works-less “Faith”

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 2:14–26

July 3, 2016

Mirror, Mirror: The Bible and Practical Holiness

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 1:19–27

June 26, 2016

The Christian’s Field Guide to Trials

Series: James Topic: James Scripture: James 1:1–18