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Thrive, Redeemer's Child & Family Advocacy Ministry, exists to care for vulnerable children by supporting and equipping foster/adoptive families, helping stabilize at-risk families, and mobilizing each member of Redeemer to follow God's heart in caring for the most vulnerable in the community.


3 key reasons behind the name change

1) We believe that as the church obediently and actively seeks the welfare of our society, especially caring for the most disadvantaged in our communities, the church will thrive

"Pursue the well-being of the city I have deported you to. Pray to the Lord on its behalf, for when it thrives, you will thrive.” Jeremiah 29:7

2) Our ministry seeks to see our foster, adoptive, and at-risk families thrive. We seek to see their children heal from their trauma and thrive under Christian care:

The righteous thrive like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courts of our GodThey will still bear fruit in old age, healthy and green, to declare, 'The Lord is just; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.'” Psalm 92:12-15

3) Most of the children we serve do not fall under the true definition of "orphan." Even if they did, God does not define his people by who they WERE (orphans), but by who they are. Hence, we are moving away from the term "orphan care" and aim to define the children in our care by the gospel transformation we hope and pray for them. 

“I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you." John 14:18

We believe that God calls the local church to care for the most vulnerable in society. (James 1:27). Thrive exists to mobilize Redeemer in caring for at-risk children and families. Northwest Houston is home to more foster homes than any other part of Houston. Therefore, we hold it as our responsibility to support local foster and adoptive families.

We hold a quarterly Parents' Night Out (PNO) program for foster and adoptive families, where each child is paired with an adult "Buddy" who has been trained to serve children from hard places. Activities may include a puppet show, art, outdoor play, therapy dogs, and more. We hope this helps foster/adoptive families rest, reconnect, and recharge for their challenging responsibilities. Sign up HERE for our next Parents' Night Out event.

Additionally, we acknowledge Stand Sunday, the second Sunday in November, to remind the church of our responsibility as Christ's hands and feet to our broken world. We collaborate with The Riverside Project to work with area churches, organizations, and agencies to strategically solve the foster care crisis in Harris County. 

Our monthly meetings are for foster and adoptive families to share prayer needs, and for us to pray for those needs. Anyone is free to join the meetings, not just foster and adoptive families! We currently meet the last Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:45 PM. Childcare is provided.

Furthermore, we believe in the redemptive and restorative power of the gospel to transform families at risk of parent-child separation and keep them intact. If you or someone you know needs help in this area, please reach out to us.


Contact Christina Googer or Dale Googer with any questions.