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News and Announcements

14th Annual Thanksgiving Service

It's almost time again for our annual Thanksgiving  service!  This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer and this year it will also be a celebration of the 1st anniversary at our new campus! To accommodate having everyone together in one service, we will be bringing back a special part of this celebration by  gathering together under a tent on the church grounds.  

We will begin at 9:30am by eating together and then we will worship, have baptisms, and celebrate what God has done in our midst throughout this past year! Each Life Group will be work together to help provide food for our brunch. For those who are not in a Life Group at this time, please bring a dish to share that will serve at least 10 people. 

Mark your calendars and please invite your family and friends! You won’t want to miss it!  Childcare will be available for 2 yrs old & under with registration.

Childcare for Thanksgiving Service

A number of you missed our “Fall Seminar: LGBT & The Gospel” and have asked if there is a way to watch it or even share it with your spouse or teenage children, etc. We will be replaying the seminar on Tuesday, November 16th in the large group room from 6:30-8:30pm. We hope to see you there. If you have any other questions regarding the seminar, email Pastor Kevin. **We are not currently planning to provide childcare for this event.

If you’ve never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 21st.. Register below, and then plan to join us for a brief baptism class the week before — Sunday, November 14th — in the large group room at 11am (during the 2nd Service). We’ll talk about the meaning of baptism, discuss what to expect at the service, and we’ll answer your questions. Parents, if your children are being baptized, please attend the class with them. 
Register for Baptism
Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Give Online

10/27 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering
10/30 (Sat) || Student Movie Night
11/03 (Wed) || Kids Worship Arts
11/03 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering
11/07 (Sun) || Orphan Care Sunday
11/10 (Wed) || 2nd Wednesday
11/10 (Wed) || Kids Worship Arts
11/10 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering
11/17 (Wed) || Kids Worship Arts
11/17 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering
11/21 (Sun) || Thanksgiving Service & Baptism
11/25 (Thu) || Thanksgiving Day

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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1126, Tomball, Texas 77377
(281) 374-1700