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NEXT: Newcomer's Lunch

FAMILY SERVICE THIS SUNDAY Children's classesavailable for Birth - Kinder/Bridge Sunday, January 28 Luke 21:37 - 22:23 NEXT NEWCOMER'S LUNCH This Sunday, January 28 12:30...

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Titus 2 Nights This Friday!

GROUPS FAIR THIS SUNDAY FOLLOWING EACH SERVICE Sunday, January 21 Colossians 2:2-10 NEXT NEWCOMER'S LUNCH Sunday, January 28 12:30 - 2:00 PM If you are new to Redeemer ...

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Redeemer Kids Volunteer Meeting

Sunday, January 14 Luke 21:5-24 REDEEMER KIDS VOLUNTEER MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 | 1 PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 | 6PM If you are currently serving in RedeemerKids or are interested in learning more about what God is doing ...

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End of Year Giving

John 15:9 NEW YEAR'S EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 MORNING SERVICES 9 AM | 11 AM END OF YEAR GIVING For many, the end of the year is a good time to give, as ...

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Advent: Week Four

Luke 2:28-32 ADVENT |WEEK FOUR Join us Sunday as we continue the Advent season.In our advent sermonseries,we'll continuelooking at the very first Christmas carols, all found in Luke's Gospel.Week 4: Simeon's Song During the...

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Advent: Week Two

THIS SUNDAY: Luke 1:67-79 ADVENT |WEEK TWO Join us Sunday as we continue the Advent season.In our advent sermonseries,we'll continuelooking at the very first Christmas carols, all found in Luke's Gospel.Week 2: Zechariah's S...

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Advent Begins This Sunday

THIS SUNDAY: Luke 1:46-56 ADVENT BEGINS THIS SUNDAY Join us Sunday as we begin the Advent season, remembering the mystery of our Savior's incarnation through word and song. Our advent sermon series will take us to Luke's Go...

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Behold The Lamb Of God

THIS SUNDAY: Acts 2:37-47 DECEMBER 10 11 7 PM TOMBALL BIBLE CHURCH Mark your calendars and invite a friend to this yearly tradition - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church. It's a great night of ...

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THIS SUNDAY: Psalm 92:1-4 THIS SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 19 9:30 AM UNDER THE TENT Our Annual Thanksgiving Service is this Sunday! This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer as we join together for one service under a tent on our grounds...

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Fall Back This Sunday!

THIS SUNDAY: Revelation 21:1-6 FALL BACK THIS SUNDAY This Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget to set your clocks back 1hour before you go to bed Saturday night and enjoy your extra ...

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