One Service under the tent!
Brunch feast begins @ 9:30am. Service begins at approx. 10:15am.

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News and Announcements

The Aim of our Church: Two Week Series

Making Disciples and Making Much of Jesus

We have long recited this as our church’s mission. But what does it mean? More than our website or a catchy slogan, what does it look like for us, as a family of believers, to make (and be) disciples of Jesus and to make much of Him. Over the next two Sundays, we will take a brief break from Philippians as Pastor Kevin & Lawson lead us to examine The Aim Of Our Church.

A table will be set up in the foyer this Sunday for class registration and book pick up. If you are already planning to register for a class, make the process easier by signing up right now at the link below. After that, all you need to do is pick up your book on Sunday morning!

Classes will begin a week from Sunday. Homework for Lesson One should be done prior to the first class. If you are unable to pick up your book on Sunday, you may stop by the office during the day Monday-Thursday  to get it.   
Register for Fall Equipping Classes

If you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us THIS Sunday for our Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food & childcare.  We hope to see you there!
Register for NEXT


A new refugee family will be arriving soon at Abba's House and volunteers are needed! If you are interested in helping with this family, you may either contact Jenn Harkless at 281-889-5104 or use the link below to sign up. More information about this ministry can also be found at the link below. 
Volunteer at Abba's House

This month we are focusing our attention on several local Tomball Ministries:
  • Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM) food pantry is in need of dry pasta.  A collection basket is located at the outreach table.
  • Harvest Home and Parson’s House - sign up to assist in leading worship at one of two assisted living facilities on a rotating basis.
  • Tomball Elementary School ***Prayer Volunteers, Thank you for your overwhelming response to volunteer to pray for staff members during the school year. Those who have signed up should have already received an email with your teacher/staff names to pray for, plus instructions on how to contact them. If you have not received the email, please contact Carolyn Pett.
For more information on these ministry opportunities, stop by the Outreach Table on Sunday, or text/call Carrie Gracey (281-744-3196) or Laurie Godbold (281-433-0078)
Give Online
Livestream Link

August 22 || NEXT: Newcomer's Lunch
August 25 || Student Main Gathering
August 29 || Co-Ed Inductive Bible Study 
(Week 1)
August 29 || Fall Family Meeting
August 30 || Men's Bible Study PM 
(Week 1)
August 31 || Orphan Care Meeting
September 1 || Women's Bible Study AM 
(Week 1)
September 1 || Men's Online Bible Study PM (Week 1)
September 2 || Women's Bible Study PM (Week 1)
September 5 || NEW Service Times - 9:15AM & 11AM
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