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News and Announcements

Leadership Update from the Elders

January 28th, 2021

Redeemer Family,

Sunday was an exciting day in the life of our church family. If you missed the announcement, we want to fill you in on the news we shared. As many of you know, the Elders have been in a season of prayer, planning, and seeking the Lord for His direction for our church. The result of this season has been the following two decisions:


As we prayed over Redeemer’s needs in the areas of leadership and preaching, we set out to evaluate the leaders God has already given us.
If you have been around Redeemer for long, you may know Pastor Kevin has served as the Executive Pastor since the early days of the church. In that role, he oversees the staff and provides leadership for our Elder meetings. In this season, Kevin has taken on the additional responsibility of preaching more regularly. We believe that, instead of going outside the body to hire someone, the Lord has equipped him to continue leading in this capacity and we’ve asked Kevin to step into the role of Lead Pastor. 
Similarly, we believe the Lord has gifted Lawson as a preacher and shepherd. Over the past 8.5 years of faithfully serving as our student and family minister, he has always been ready to serve the body, whether ministering to students or adults. The Elders have observed Lawson's character and his gifts of preaching and leading over this time. We believe, instead of going outside our body to hire someone, the Lord has equipped him to lead in this capacity and we have asked Lawson to step into the role of Teaching Pastor.
As Kevin and Lawson step into these roles, you may wonder what this will look like on Sundays. Thankfully, we have already gotten to see it. Kevin and Lawson will continue to share the bulk of the preaching, just as they have the past few months. Pastor Barry and other Elders will also preach from time to time. We love that, even in our preaching, this will reflect the biblical picture of a team of men leading the church.
Will Kevin continue leading music? Yes. Just as in recent months -- he will do a bit of both, preaching and leading worship. We are also incredibly grateful that the Lord has raised up gifted and humble men like Daniel Boriack and Richard Rector who will continue to serve us by leading, musically, as well.
What about the student ministry? Lawson will continue overseeing RSM during this season. However, this will lead to two upcoming changes.
  • Lee Curry has come on staff, part time, as a Student Ministry Resident. Many of you know Lee as a former student and intern in our student ministry. He loves the students and will do a wonderful job in encouraging & discipling them, alongside Lawson and our other adult leaders. Be sure to welcome Lee!
  • We will also be looking to hire a new Student minister this year. We have created a job listing and will begin searching soon. Would you join us in praying that the Lord would guide us to the right person?


For a couple years, the Elders have asked the Lord to raise up new shepherds in our body -- men of great character and willingness to shepherd the flock. In any healthy church, there will be a number of men qualified for this calling. Even now, we believe there are future Elders serving in our children’s ministry, teaching classes, serving as deacons, etc. We praise God for that!
In October, we invited 3 men into a process to be assessed to serve as Elders in our body. These men are meeting regularly for theological study and assessment. We believe the Elders in Christ’s church must be of excellent character, high competency with God’s word, and must be humble servant-leaders. We believe these men meet this high biblical standard and hope to install them at the end of their assessment period. 
  • Lawson Flowers. Lawson & his wife, Caroline, just welcomed baby number 5 into their lives. As we have mentioned, Lawson has faithfully served our church in his ministry to students & families. He and Caroline have been a huge blessing over the past 8 years.
  • Chris Beach. Chris and his wife, Amy, have 4 children, two of whom are part of the Redeemer family. Chris and Amy have served faithfully in counseling & as children's teachers and leaders. If you don’t know the Beaches, make a point to do so. You will be blessed by their love for Christ & His people..
  • Dale Googer. Dale, and his wife Christina, have served faithfully for years. In addition to raising their 4 children, they have played integral roles in the RedeemKids ministry. They also faithfully lead our Orphan Care ministry and a missional community. Get to know the Googers. You will be blessed by them. 
We are blessed by the leaders of Redeemer! But the church is much more than her leaders. You, the members of Redeemer, are the ones who will proclaim the goodness of God to one another and to the lost around you. Would you join us in praying for these 3 men, along with our current Elders - Kevin, Barry, and Brad?
Join us as we continue introducing these men Sunday night at our Elder Led Prayer & Family Meeting at 5pm in the worship center. Let’s dream together and ask the Lord for His blessing! If you need childcare, please register them here: Elder Led Prayer Childcare
If you have any questions or would like to talk with the Elders, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us individually. You can also email all us at:
Soli Deo Gloria,
The Redeemer Elders
“to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” - Eph. 3:21