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News and Announcements

Spring Equipping Classes

It’s time for Spring Equipping classes! This semester there are two options to choose from. Our regular bible study will be the book of Daniel that instructs believers on how to live faithfully and stay close to God in the midst of opposition and doubt. Our second study is “The Walk.”   This class is for those who are either new to the faith or are looking to grow in maturity.  The goal of The Walk is to answer the question: What does it mean to walk with Jesus?

A table will be set up in the foyer this Sunday for class registration and book pick up. If you are already planning to register for a class, make the process easier by signing up right now at the link below. After that, all you need to do is pick up your book on Sunday morning!
Register for Classes

If you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food & childcare.  We hope to see you there!
Register for NEXT
The Redeemer Orphan Care Ministry will be hosting a Parents' Night Out for foster families in the month of February.  For volunteers who will be serving at this event, as well as anyone who serves children and adults in large group capacities, CPR certification is highly encouraged (though not required). To make  the training more convenient for those interested, we will have CPR instructors at Redeemer on Sunday afternoon, January 16th for anyone who would like to participate. The fee is $30 per person and registration is available at the link below. Ages 12 and above are welcome. 
Register for CPR Class
Calling all Mothers & Sons!
Want to join in on some friendly and fun competition? Make plans now to compete in our Winter Olympic Games. Boys (with their mothers) will be divided up into three age groups (4-6, 7-9, 10-12). Medals will be awarded for the top three in each group. Snacks and drinks provided during the event. Register below to let us know your joining in!
Register for Mother/Son Games

2022 marks the third year that we have enjoyed reading scripture together as a church family using the Community Bible Reading (CBR) Journal.  This year they have made improvements to the journal  design to help those within a church community truly engage in scripture together.  Join us in 2022 as we engage in "Seeing Jesus Together".

Journals will be for sale after each service in foyer. Cash, Check, Debit/Credit Card accepted. If you prefer to do the reading plan without the journal, free copies of the schedule are available.

1/16 (Sun) || CPR Class
1/16 (Sun) || High School Life Group
1/19 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / **Kids Worship Arts (resumes in February)
1/23 (Sun) || NEXT: Newcomer's Lunch
1/26 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / Redeemer Orphan Care / **Kids Worship Arts (resumes in February)
1/29 (Sat) || Mother/Son Winter Games
1/30 (Sun) || Family Meeting / Student Rec Night
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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1126, Tomball, Texas 77377
(281) 374-1700