One Service under the tent!
Brunch feast begins @ 9:30am. Service begins at approx. 10:15am.

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News and Announcements

Family Meeting This Sunday

Join us for our next Church Family Meeting THIS Sunday evening. These meetings happen twice during the year. We ask all members, and anyone who considers Redeemer their church home, to make plans to join us. Come early. We will have light snacks available at 4:30pm and will begin the meeting at 5pm. We will fellowship, praise God for what he's done, and then discuss important items in the life of our church.

If you are currently serving in Redeemer Kids ministry, please join us  immediately after 2nd service THIS SUNDAY, August 28th, for a short time of fellowship, lunch, and our very 1st RK awards.  No childcare will be provided, but we will have pizza for the kids.  Please register below (including your kids) so we can plan adequately for food. 
Volunteer Lunch

Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two week class in September. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App. *Childcare is available

Membership Class Registration

What does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean for my life?  In Romans, Paul sets out to answer that question by tracing numerous threads through the Old Testament.  Join us this fall as we follow the threads and find our place in the story God is weaving into the world through Christ.

Our Fall Equipping classes will be a 10 week study beginning the week of September 11th and ending in mid-November. There are several classes and times available to help fit your schedule. More details for each class can be found on each registration page (links below). Registration and book pick up will also be available in the foyer this Sunday. If you are already planning to register for a class, make the process easier by signing up now using the links below. After that, all you need to do is pick up your book on Sunday morning!
Men's Study: Monday PM
Women's Study: Wednesday AM
Men's Study (Online): Wednesday PM
Women's Study: Thursday PM

Next Wednesday, 8/31

Resumes weekly on September 7th

Come have a spot of tea and gather together for a fun afternoon of crafts and crumpets.  Moms and daughters of all ages are welcome!
Registration for Tea

NEED UPDATE: We are continuing to collect food donations for Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries through the end of August. TEAM is now requesting donations of the following items:
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned Beans
  • Pasta 
Please consider donating the above items (and other staple food items) to help restock the food pantry. You can either drop off donations at the Outreach table in the foyer, or take directly to TEAM (300 W Main St, Tomball). They accept food pantry donations on Wednesdays & Fridays, from 10am-2pm. 

8/28 (Sun) || Redeemer Kids Volunteer Lunch
8/28 (Sun) || Family Meeting
8/28 (Sun) || Student Rec Night
8/31 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering
8/31 (Wed) || Orphan Care Support
9/05 (Mon) || Labor Day
9/06 (Tue) || Young Adult Bible Study
9/07 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering

9/07 (Wed) || Redeemer Kids Worship Arts (Resumes weekly)
9/10 (Sat) || Men's Breakfast
9/10 (Sat) || Learn to Sew
9/10 (Sat || Mother/Daughter Tea
9/12 (Mon) || Romans: Men's PM Bible Study
(Week 1)
9/14 (Wed) || Romans: Women's AM Bible Study (Week 1)
9/14 (Wed) || Romans: Men's PM Bible Study *Online (Week 1)
9/14 (Wed) || 2nd Wednesday / Student Main Gathering / Worship Arts
9/15 (Thu) || Romans: Women's PM Bible Study 
(Week 1)
Livestream Link
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