NEXT: Newcomer's Lunch
FAMILY SERVICE THIS SUNDAY Children's classesavailable for Birth - Kinder/Bridge Sunday, January 28 Luke 21:37 - 22:23 NEXT NEWCOMER'S LUNCH This Sunday, January 28 12:30...
Keep ReadingFAMILY SERVICE THIS SUNDAY Children's classesavailable for Birth - Kinder/Bridge Sunday, January 28 Luke 21:37 - 22:23 NEXT NEWCOMER'S LUNCH This Sunday, January 28 12:30...
Keep ReadingGROUPS FAIR THIS SUNDAY FOLLOWING EACH SERVICE Sunday, January 21 Colossians 2:2-10 NEXT NEWCOMER'S LUNCH Sunday, January 28 12:30 - 2:00 PM If you are new to Redeemer ...
Keep ReadingSunday, January 14 Luke 21:5-24 REDEEMER KIDS VOLUNTEER MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 | 1 PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 | 6PM If you are currently serving in RedeemerKids or are interested in learning more about what God is doing ...
Keep ReadingJohn 15:9 NEW YEAR'S EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 MORNING SERVICES 9 AM | 11 AM END OF YEAR GIVING For many, the end of the year is a good time to give, as ...
Keep ReadingLuke 2:28-32 ADVENT |WEEK FOUR Join us Sunday as we continue the Advent season.In our advent sermonseries,we'll continuelooking at the very first Christmas carols, all found in Luke's Gospel.Week 4: Simeon's Song During the...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Luke 1:67-79 ADVENT |WEEK TWO Join us Sunday as we continue the Advent season.In our advent sermonseries,we'll continuelooking at the very first Christmas carols, all found in Luke's Gospel.Week 2: Zechariah's S...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Luke 1:46-56 ADVENT BEGINS THIS SUNDAY Join us Sunday as we begin the Advent season, remembering the mystery of our Savior's incarnation through word and song. Our advent sermon series will take us to Luke's Go...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Acts 2:37-47 DECEMBER 10 11 7 PM TOMBALL BIBLE CHURCH Mark your calendars and invite a friend to this yearly tradition - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church. It's a great night of ...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Psalm 92:1-4 THIS SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 19 9:30 AM UNDER THE TENT Our Annual Thanksgiving Service is this Sunday! This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer as we join together for one service under a tent on our grounds...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Revelation 21:1-6 FALL BACK THIS SUNDAY This Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget to set your clocks back 1hour before you go to bed Saturday night and enjoy your extra ...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: 1 Peter 2:4-10 THIS SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 5 PM - 7 PM Our Fall Festival is this Sunday! This is a great outreach opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors.There will be lots offood and activi...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Hebrews 1:1-4 SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 19 9:30 AM UNDER THE TENT It's almost time again for our Annual Thanksgiving Service! This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer as we join together for one service under a tent on o...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Deuteronomy 6:4-15 BAPTISMS THANKSGIVING SERVICE NOVEMBER 19 BAPTISMCLASS NOVEMBER 12 11 AM LARGE GROUP ROOM If you've never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at ourThanksgiving...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Exodus 6:2-8 NEXT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 SECOND FRIDAY OF THE MONTH 7 - 9 PM WORSHIP CENTER Trusting God ThroughWeakness Women of all ages are welcome to come to a night of fellowship as we listen...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Genesis 3:1-7 OCTOBER 15 OCTOBER 22 3:30 - 5:30 PM LARGE GROUP ROOM Are you considering becoming a part of the Redeemer family? Our Fall membership class will be over two Sundays, with attendance at both sessio...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Genesis 1:1-5 John 1:1-5 NEWCOMER'S LUNCH THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 12:30 - 2:00 PM If you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our Newcomer's Lunch thisSunday. This time is designed to give...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Philippians 2:1-11 Family Service This Sunday Childcare for Birth - PreK NEWCOMER'S LUNCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 12:30 - 2:00 PM If you a...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Proclaim the Hope of Jesus| 1 Peter 3:8-18 Family Meeting | This Sunday, August 27 | 5 PM Childcare for 4 under Family Service | Next Sunday, September...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: Live the Wayof Jesus | Colossians 3:1-17 Family Meeting | Sunday, August 27 | 5 PM WELCOME DANIELLE JEREM...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: PSALM 63 COLOSSIANS 1:15-20 As we often say, our mission at Redeemer is Making Disciples and Making Much of Jesus. Over the next three weeks, we'll consider the question: "What would our church and our lives look like if Jesus was truly exalted in a...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: LUKE 20: 1-19 FAMILY SERVICE THIS WEEK Classes for Birth - PreK SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 4:30 PM - 7:15 PM FOR FOSTER/ADOPTIVE FAMILIES Redeemer's quarter...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY: LUKE 19:28-44 SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 4:30 PM - 7:15 PM FOR FOSTER/ADOPTIVE FAMILIES Redeemer's quarterlyParents' Night Outfor foster/adoptive families is coming up in a couple weeks.Each child will be paired with a ...
Keep ReadingLadies, join us to cheer on the Astros as they play against the Rangers on Tuesday, July 25th at 7:10 p.m. Tickets are $52/each. These are field level seats, and it's alsoDollar Dog Night! Register now to secure your ticket.Deadlineis Saturday, July 1st...
Keep ReadingWe're excited this week to see that our parking expansion project has beenstarted. Over the next month, you'll see the dirt concrete work. As you arrive Sunday, parking should go like normal. For those who often use the overflow parking...
Keep ReadingPlan to join us this summer for a 4-week parenting seminar! Parenting from diapers to teen-agers is one of the most rewarding and challenging responsibilities the Lord has given us. Let's get together each Tuesday evening in June to learn from Paul T...
Keep ReadingPlan to join us this summer for a 4-week parenting seminar! Parenting from diapers to teen-agers is one of the most rewarding and challenging responsibilities the Lord has given us. Let's get together ...
Keep ReadingREMINDERS FOR SUNDAY: Lunch line opens at 12:45pm Dessert judging begins at 1pm Dessert line opens at 1:30pm (or once judging is complete) Baptisms begin at 1:45pm Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets Desser...
Keep ReadingSee you in the morning at 7AM! Men's Breakfast Registration Come join us tomorrow at 9AM! Don't mi...
Keep ReadingPlan to join us this summer for a 4-week parenting seminar! Parenting from diapers to teen-agers is one of the most rewarding and challenging responsibilities the Lord has given us. Let's get together each Tuesday evening in June to learn from Paul T...
Keep ReadingRedeemer's quarterlyParents' Night Outfor foster/adoptive families is coming up next week onSaturday, May 6th!Each child will be paired with a Buddy to guide them through various activit...
Keep ReadingMark your calendars and join us on May 21st at Matheson Park (1240 Ulrich Rd, Tomball) for our churchwide picnic and baptisms. We will meet right after 2nd service at the park and begin serving lunch at 12:45pm (drinks provided also)....
Keep ReadingEASTER WEEKEND GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES @ 5pm 7pm --This is a powerful service of scripture songfocused on the history of Christ's redemption. *Childcare available for 4 yrs old under. EGG HUNT - SATURDAY @ 10am --Bring your kids inv...
Keep ReadingNext Wednesday, 4/5 For the month of April, our2nd Wednesday Meal Prayer Service has been moved up to next weekfor a special night of prayer reflection on the cross of Christ leading up to Easter weekend. Come at 6pm for a meal together (potluck style), and then join us for a scripture-guided prayer ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two-weekclass beginning THIS Sunday. Register using t...
Keep ReadingSpring Forward! Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour this Saturday night! Plan ahead, get a decent night's sleep, and we'll see you on Sunday as we gather for worship at 9AM and11AM. ...
Keep ReadingREGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Please plan to join us for Family Camp 2023, Sept 1st-4th at beautiful Trinity Pines Conference Center. This will be a weekend of fun, worship, and fellowship with your family and with our church family. We...
Keep ReadingOur Church is Growing! With growth comes more children filling our classes. And more kids requires more volunteers needed to serve them each week. Would you prayerfully consider how you can help to fill this need and be a part of teaching our childr...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two-weekclass in March. Register usin...
Keep ReadingThis Saturday, 2/11 For additional information about this event, please contact Scooter Hahn. Men's Breakfast Registration Classes Begin This Coming...
Keep Reading*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Church family, This Sunday, we will be praising God for His faithfulness to the Redeemer family for these 15 years of ministry.At our family meeting Sunday evening, we'll be sharing some stories taking a few minutes to thank the Lord for the ways He has worked in our midst. Plus, we'll ha...
Keep ReadingWhat does Jesus' life, death, and resurrection mean for my life? In Romans, Paul sets out to answer that question by tracing numerous threads through the Old Testament. Join us this spring as we continue our study following the threads and finding...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our Newcomer's Lunch THIS Sunday, the 22nd. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register be...
Keep ReadingIf you are considering being a part of our Spring Bible Studies, joining a Life Group, or participating in men's and women's discipleship groups, our Groups Fair THIS Sunday is a great opportunity to learn more about each group as well as a chance to meet an...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our Newcomer's Lunch on Sunday, January 22nd. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below to let us know you're coming...
Keep ReadingThis Sunday morning we will resume with our regular service times and children's classes. Let's start the New Year praising Jesus together! END OF YEAR GIVING As 2022 draws to a close, we praise God for his provision for our church family. If you would still...
Keep ReadingAs we approach the start of 2023, there is no better time to recommit to not only reading scripture but meditating on scripture. For the past three years, our church has embraced the "Seeing Jesus Together" journals (formerly Communit...
Keep ReadingTHIS WEEKEND Join us this weekend for Behold the Lamb of God - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church, tellingthe story of Christmas beginning long before Mary, Joseph, the baby. The concert is engaging, thought-provoking, and a lot of fun, featuring a wide array of styles from rock...
Keep ReadingMark your calendars and invite a friend to this yearly tradition - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church, tellingthe story of Christmas beginning long before Mary, Joseph, the baby. The concert is engaging, thought-provoking, and a lot of fun, featuring a wide array of styles from rock to folk, classical t...
Keep ReadingBaptism Class THIS Sunday, 11/13 If you've never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20th.Register below, and then plan to join us for a brief baptism class thisSunday, Nov. 13th at 11am. We'll talk about the meaning of baptism, discuss wha...
Keep ReadingThis Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget to set your clocks back 1hour before you go to bed tonightand enjoy your extra hour of sleep! It's almost time again for our Annual Thanksgiving Service! This is a beloved tradition of Rede...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY! Our annual Fall Festival is coming up this Sunday evening, October 30th! This is a great outreach opportunity, so be sure to Invite your friends and neighbors!There will be great food and activities for everyone in the family.Don't forget to bring some cash for the bake sale, dunking boot...
Keep ReadingIf you've never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20th.Register below, and then plan to join us for a brief baptism class onSunday, November 13th at 11am. We'll talk about the meaning of baptism, discuss what to expect at the service, and we'll answer your...
Keep ReadingOur annual Fall Festival is coming up on Sunday, October 30th! This is a great outreach opportunity, so be sure to Invite your friends and neighbors!There will be great food and activities for everyone in the family. If you love chili and think you have a winning recipe,we need YOU to enter our annual chi...
Keep ReadingSee you in the morning! Register for Breakfast The Redeemer Hospitality Team exists to welcome others as God in Christ has welcomed us. Opportunities to serve include: greeting, parking lot attendants, providing food and/...
Keep ReadingThe time for 1st service will change to 9AM this Sunday. The Redeemer Hospitality Team exists to welcome others as God in Christ has welcomed us. Opportunities to serve include: greeting, parking lot attendants, providing food and/or ...
Keep ReadingThe Redeemer Hospitality Team exists to welcome others as God in Christ has welcomed us. Opportunities to serve include: greeting, parking lot attendants, providing food and/or coffee at special events and services, and more. Join us for our upcoming training for both current greeters and new greeters. If you plan ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two week class beginning this Sunday. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App.*Childcare is available R...
Keep ReadingWhat is life in the Redeemer family like? What are the underlying values that shape the way we see the world and our ministry together? This Sunday we begin a new series calledDNA: The Values that Shape Us. We'll be looking together at four scriptural values that we believe both characterize our church family now ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two week class in September. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App.*Childcare is available ...
Keep ReadingJoin us for our nextChurch Family MeetingTHIS Sunday evening.These meetings happen twice during the year. We ask all members, and anyone who considers Redeemer their church home, to make plans to join us.Come early. We will have light snacks available at 4:30pm and will begin the meeting at 5pm.We will fellowship, praise God for what h...
Keep ReadingTOMORROW MORNING, 8/20 Men, please join us for this month's breakfast tomorrow morningat 7amwhere we will be discussing how to fight pornography with the gospel. Porn is an epidemic in our culture, and unfortunately also in the church. But it doesn't have to enslave us because Jesus has set us free. Come ready t...
Keep ReadingSUNDAY, AUGUST 14TH This Sunday we will spotlight all of our various group ministries with a Groups Fair following each service. You can meet the leaders of each group, register for one of the Fall Equipping Classes on Romans 1-7, or sign-up to receive more information for any of our Life Groups, Discipleship Groups, or Equippi...
Keep ReadingBACKPACKS FOR SCHOOLS We are collecting NEW backpacks for Tomball Junior High and Tomball High School students who are in need as the new school year begins. Bring new backpacks either empty or with any school supplies you would like to put in them to the Outreach T...
Keep ReadingFOOD PANTRY NEEDS Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM) is currently serving a higher than normal amount of families in need of food. Due to this increase, their food pantry is in short supply of a few items. Specific items needed are: Cans of tuna Cereal Oatmeal (large package preferred) Please consider donati...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food childcare. We hope to see you there! **PLEASE NOTE: The date f...
Keep ReadingSpecial guests THIS Sunday: Dave and Gloria Furman ( family) We are honored to have our mission partners, the Furmans, with us this Sunday. Dave planted pastors Redeemer Church of Dubai, where God has powerfully used their team to plant churches and reach many who don't know Jesus. Additionally, Gloria serves there and has blessed ...
Keep ReadingNext Wednesday, July 13th THIS SATURDAY, JULY 9TH This summer, we have been partnering with church planters to help them start relationships and conversations with refugee families in the Sugar Land area. Our goal is to plant seeds for other brothers and sisters ...
Keep ReadingThis summer, we are partnering with church planters to help them start relationships and conversations with refugee families in the Sugar Land area. Our goal is to plant seeds for other brothers and sisters to water and harvest! Tomorrow, June 25th, is the next opportunity for you to participate in this outreach. Anyone high school...
Keep ReadingOur next monthly get together will be Saturday, July 9th. For regular monthly meetings, we will bring our own breakfast. At the quarterly meetings, breakfast will be provided. Register below to let us know you'll be there! Men's Breakfast Registration ...
Keep ReadingThis summer, we are partnering with church planters to help them start relationships and conversations with refugee families in the Sugar Land area. Our goal is to plant seeds for other brothers and sisters to water and harvest! Tomorrow, June 11th, will be the first of three opportunities for you to participate in th...
Keep ReadingOur Bible Club for kids will be on Thursday mornings this summer from June 16th to July 14th. Come join us as we take an adventure into Narnia and explore what it means to turn from the world and follow Je...
Keep ReadingOur Bible Club for kids will be on Thursday mornings this summer from June 16th to July 14th. Come join us as we take an adventure into Narnia and explore what it means to turn from the world and follow Jesus. Register your child below. If you would like to volunteer as...
Keep ReadingJoin us on May 22nd at Matheson Park (1240 Ulrich Rd, Tomball) for achurchwide picnic and baptisms. We will meet right after 2nd service at the park and begin serving lunch at 12:45pm (drinks provided also). If you prefer,you can always bringyour own picnic lunch.Don't forget your lawn chairs and/or picnic blankets. Following lunch, we...
Keep ReadingSEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING! Men's Breakfast Sign-Up If you've never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Spring picnic ...
Keep ReadingRaising children is a wonderful weighty blessing. This is why we love to present new children and their families each year, so we might pray for them as they begin this journey. Our next Parent/Child Dedication will be on Mother's Day!If you are interested in participating in this year's dedication, please use the link ...
Keep ReadingEASTER WEEKEND IS HERE Invite a friend and join us as reflect on the cross of Christ and celebrate His empty tomb!! GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE @ 6pm --This is a powerful service of scripture, song, communion. We will reflect on the incredible story of Christ's redemption. EGG HUNT SATURDAY @ 10am --Kids 1 year to 4th grade can join ...
Keep ReadingEaster weekend is almost here. Join us for a rich weekend of reflection on the cross of Christ and celebration at His empty tomb. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE @ 6pm --This is a powerful service of scripture song, reflecting on the history of Christ's redemption. EGG HUNT SATURDAY @ 10am --Bring your kiddos invite friends. Kids 1 year...
Keep ReadingLadies, mark your calendars and plan to join us for a Baby Shower Dinner at Redeemer Church to benefit the Tomball Pregnancy Center. Tammy Hall, the Spiritual Support Coordinator for the pregnancy center, will be our speaker for the evening.This is a great opportunity to bring a friend (or 2) as your guest for the...
Keep ReadingThe Redeemer Church Blood Drive is only one week away! Sign-Up nowand help us fill up all the time slots. Reserve your spot using the link below.Make sure to use the sponsor code R730. Blood Drive Sign-Up Ladies, mark your calendars a...
Keep ReadingDon't forget to set your clocks forward one hour TONIGHT! Plan ahead, get a decent night's sleep, and we'll see you tomorrow morning as we gather for worship at 9:15AM and11AM. INTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two week class in March. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App. *Childcare available Membership Class Re...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us THIS Sunday for our Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food childcare. We hope to see you there! ...
Keep ReadingWe still have some items that are needed for this event. If you would like to donate something, or you have one of the listed items we could borrow for the evening, please let us know using the Contribute Buttonbelow. Contribute Here ...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food childcare. We hope to see you there! ...
Keep ReadingSpring Equipping Classes kick off THISSunday! If you aren't part of a class yet but still want to join one, it's not too late. Register below and pick up your book on Sunday. Week 1 homework should be completed before the first class. Register for Classes ...
Keep ReadingAs we begin a new year at Redeemer, we want to invite you to our Church Family Meetingthis Sunday, January 30th. These meetings happen twice during the year. We ask all members, and anyone who considers Redeemer their church home, to make plans to join us.Come early. We will have snacks available at 4:30pm and the meeting will start...
Keep Reading***CANCELLED*** This event has been cancelled for THIS Sunday and will be rescheduled for a later date. Register for NEXT Our Spring Equipping classes will begin in a couple of weeks! This semester there are two options for study. Our ...
Keep ReadingIt's time for Spring Equipping classes! This semester there are two options to choose from. Our regular bible study will be the book of Daniel that instructs believers on how to live faithfully and stay close to God in the midst of opposition and doubt.Our second study is "The Walk." This class is for those who are eit...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food childcare. We hope to see you there! ...
Keep ReadingSERVICE TIME CHANGE FOR SUNDAY! Due to several leaders and volunteers being out of town orunder the weather this Sunday, we are going to gather foronly one service this Sunday at 11am. Children's classes will be open from birth through 4th grade. Let's worship together, whether in person or on the live stream, as we kick off the New...
Keep ReadingPlease join usfor our Annual Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. This is a brief, yet wonderful service for the whole family, full of scripture reading, storytelling for the kids, and worship through song. We hope to see you and your family there! ...
Keep ReadingPlease join us tomorrow evening for our Annual Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. This is a brief, yet wonderful service for the whole family, full of scripture reading, storytelling for the kids, and worship through song. We hope to see you and your family there! ...
Keep ReadingFor many, the end of the year is a good time to give, as the Lord has so graciously given to them. As 2021draws to a close, we know that may not be the case for everyone. However, we praise God for his provision for our church family. For those who desire to make an extra year-end donation to Redeemer, ther...
Keep ReadingJoin us this weekend for Behold The Lamb Of God - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church. It's a great night of acoustic, folk, rock, and bluegrass music telling the whole story of Christmas from the beginning of the Bible. Desserts -- Redeemer is responsible for bringing desserts for the Monday night per...
Keep ReadingMark your calendars and invite a friend to this yearly tradition - aFREEconcert presented by Redeemer Church and Tomball Bible Church. It's a great night of acoustic, folk, rock, and bluegrass music telling the whole story of Christmas from the beginning of the Bible. Childcare is available for children 2 yrs. and und...
Keep ReadingADVENT BEGINS THIS SUNDAY! As holiday celebrations and semester schedules grow busy, we must be remindedthat all we truly need is found in our saviorwho came. Beginning this Sunday, join us as we enter the advent season -- aseason of longing for our present and future hope, Jesus. ...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY! One Service Under the Tent 9:30am If you have not signed up but would liketo bring food to share, let us know (link below). Childcare available for 2 yrs under with registration (link below). Food Volunteer Sign-Up Childcare for Thanksgiving...
Keep ReadingFALL BAPTISM If you've never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 21st..Register below, and then plan to join us for a brief baptism class THISSunday, November 14th in the large group room at 11am (during2nd Service). We'll talk about the m...
Keep ReadingIt's almost time again for our annual Thanksgiving service! This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer and this year it will also be a celebration of the 1st anniversary at our new campus! To accommodate having everyone together in one service, we will be bringing back a special part of this celebration by gathe...
Keep ReadingIt's almost time again for our annual Thanksgiving service! This is a beloved tradition of Redeemer and this year it will also be a celebration of the 1st anniversary at our new campus! To accommodate having everyone together in one service, we will be bringing back a special part of this celebration by gathering togeth...
Keep ReadingTHIS SUNDAY EVENING Bring:Your Neighbors, Friends, Family Bring:Dollar Billsfor the Bake Sale Dunking Booth Bring:Your appetite for some Homemade Chili Hot Dogs For questions about the event, to volunteer, or to enter chili contest, please email Carolyn Yohe. ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this two week class in October. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App. Membership Class Regis...
Keep ReadingNext Wednesday, the 22nd,we will be joining students and staff at campuses near Redeemerfor See You At The Pole!We encourage all who are ableto attend one of the following campuses and join with the students and staff in prayer. Tomball High School -- 6:45am Tomball Jr High-- 6:45am (estimate) Tomball Intermediate -- 7:00am (est...
Keep ReadingNEXT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH We are excited to share a new church rhythm as we head into the Fall. Following our wonderful fellowship meals this summer, we are going to move to a monthly 2nd Wednesday family gathering. But it won't be just a meal. We will eat together (...
Keep ReadingWe are excited to share a new church rhythm as we head into the Fall. Following our wonderful fellowship meals this summer, we are going to move to a monthly 2nd Wednesday family gathering. But it won't be just a meal. We will eat together (potluck style) at 6pm, followed by opportunities for all ages from 7-8:15pm. This ...
Keep ReadingMaking Disciples and Making Much of Jesus We have long recited this as our church's mission. But what does it mean? More than our website or a catchy slogan, what does it look like for us, as a family of believers, to make (and be) disciples of Jesus and to make much of Him. Over the next two Sundays, we will take a b...
Keep ReadingIf you are new to Redeemer Church, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Newcomer's Lunch. This time is designed to give you an opportunity to meet and connect with the staff and leaders of Redeemer. Please register below so we know you're coming and can plan for food childcare. We hope to see you there! ...
Keep ReadingOur children are precious to us and more so to the Lord. Let's stand in the gap for our students this week while they are away at Ceta Canyon Camp. Let's seek His face together for His Glory and for their good! WHERE: Redeemer, in the Large Group Room WHEN: Daily, Monday 7/26 to Friday 7/30, from 3-4pm WHO: You!If you a...
Keep ReadingUPDATE FROM BAKHTADZE FAMILY A couple weeks ago, we asked you to pray for Andria Bakhtadze 10-year-old son of Gia Nina - one of Redeemer's supported missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia. He had heart surgery on June 29thto repair a congenitalheart issue. Following is an update this week from Gia: "Dear brothers and sisters! Frien...
Keep ReadingSPECIAL GUESTS THIS SUNDAY: THE RICE FAMILY Josh Laura Rice will be worshiping w/ us this Sunday. The Rices were members of Redeemer until relocating to Oregon a few years ago. They are currently preparing to serve as missionaries in Japan. Josh will share briefly during Sunday's service, followed by a brief QA afte...
Keep ReadingSERVICE CHANGE FOR JULY There will be no Elementary Classes offered during the 9AM Service for the month of July. Classes will continue as normal for the 11AM Service. Livestream Link CarePortal is a technology platform that wi...
Keep ReadingABBA'S HOUSE Are you able to help with any of these current needs? The following list of needs was sent out yesterday by Abba's House. They are about to receive a family from Afghanistan -- a woman and her four children, ages 9-13. Connected to this placement, there are some very specific needs. If you or someone you know coul...
Keep ReadingNew Sermon Series begins Sunday Join us Sunday as we kick off our new series through the book of Philippians. In one his most joyous letters, the Apostle Paul spurs the church to treasure Jesus. May the Lord encourage us as we look together to His word! SUMMER BI...
Keep ReadingBEGINS NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 16TH Bring your family and join us for our Summer Fellowship Dinners starting next week. This will be a casual time to eat and visit with our church family. Please bring a dish to share, and come and go as you please. "Butt...
Keep ReadingSUMMER BIBLE CLUB Registration Open In lieu of VBS this year,we are having a six-week Summer Bible Club--one day a week on Thursdays. We will be walking the "Romans Road" which is a series of verses that teaches us who we are, why we need a Savior, what Jesus did to save us, and how we can be saved. Come join us and be sure to ...
Keep ReadingINTERESTED IN JOINING THE REDEEMER FAMILY? Whether you're ready to join or just want to gain a deeper understanding of why we believe membership is important -- join us for this three week class beginning THIS SUNDAY. Register using the link below or on the Church Center App. Register for Membership C...
Keep ReadingGOOD FRIDAY SERVICES Friday, April 2: Two Services Come to this unique service as we remember the history of our redemption through scripture and singing. Please pre-register young children for their classes. 5:00PM Service (masks requested) *Childcare for Birth-5 yrs 6:30PM Service (masks optional...
Keep ReadingEASTER WEEKEND AT REDEEMER We are ONE WEEK AWAY from our Grand Opening Celebration Easter weekend! Egg donations and volunteers for the Grand Opening are still needed. Visit the Outreach Table in the lobby on Sunday to drop off stuffed eggs and sign up to volunteer. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, April 2:Good Friday Services 5PM...
Keep ReadingYou still have time to Register! Next week, we begin our 12-week study of the book of Judges. This book shows us a God who is relentlessly loving unloving people while pointing forward to the flawless leader and shepherd who He will one day send. There are multiple offerings of days times ...
Keep Reading28 DAY CHALLENGE For the month of February, we are encouraging one another: "How will I show my neighbor the love of Jesus?" Consider those nearest to you -- whether your neighbor next door, your neighbor at work, or whoever the Lord has placed in your life. See the link below for some ideas for how you mi...
Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements 1/29...
Keep ReadingTo help you prepare for worship, our text this week will be 1 Peter 4:12-19. REGISTER FOR SUNDAY: Please register ahead of time as this allows us the ability to plan for safe service size. For those more vulnerable, health-wise, or those uncomfortable gathering while Covid cases...
Keep ReadingSTART 2021 BY JOINING US IN OUR BIBLE READING PLAN! The CBR Journal is a tool that will help you regularly engage God's word in a meaningful way and in a way that will spur community among us. With the CBR journal, you'll read one chapter from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament on Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, you ...
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Keep ReadingAnnouncements for 9/4...
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Keep Reading6/25 Announcements...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements for 3/13...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements for 11/28...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements for 10/3...
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Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 8/28...
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Keep ReadingWeekly church announcements...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements for 4/4...
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Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 2/28...
Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 2/20...
Keep ReadingAnnouncements for 2/14...
Keep ReadingAnnouncements for week of 2/7....
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Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 12/20...
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Keep ReadingWeekly Announcements (11/29)...
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Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 11/1...
Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 10/26...
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Keep ReadingWeekly announcements for 9/27...
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