One Service under the tent!
Brunch feast begins @ 9:30am. Service begins at approx. 10:15am.

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News and Announcements

Baptism Registration

If you’ve never been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we invite you to be baptized at our Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20th. Register below, and then plan to join us for a brief baptism class on Sunday, November 13th at 11am. We’ll talk about the meaning of baptism, discuss what to expect at the service, and we’ll answer your questions. Parents, if your children are being baptized, please attend the class with them. 
Register for Baptism

Our annual Fall Festival is coming up on Sunday, October 30th! This is a great outreach opportunity, so be sure to Invite your friends and neighbors! There will be great food and activities for everyone in the family. If you love chili and think you have a winning recipe, we need YOU to enter our annual chili contest! You could be our next Chili Champion! 

Sign up below for the chili contest and to help fill one of our volunteer spots. Candy donations can be dropped off at the Outreach table on Sunday mornings, or during the week when the office is open. For questions or  additional information, please contact Carolyn Yohe.
Sign Up Here

Redeemer's quarterly Parents' Night Out for foster families is coming up next month on Saturday, November 12th! This is more than just childcare, as each child will be paired with a Buddy to guide them through various activities. To serve as a buddy or in other volunteer positions, please sign up below. 
Sign Up Here

10/24 (Mon) || Men's Romans Study
10/26 (Wed) || Women's Romans Study
10/26 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / Worship Arts / Orphan Care
10/26 (Wed) || Men's Romans Study 
10/27 (Thu) || Women's Romans Study
10/28-30 (Fri-Sun) || Jr High Retreat (Trinity Pines)
10/30 (Sun) || Fall Festival
10/31 (Mon) || Men's Romans Study
11/1 (Tue) || Young Adult Bible Study
11/2 (Wed) || Women's Romans Study
11/2 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / Worship Arts 
11/2 (Wed) || Men's Romans Study 
11/3 (Thu) || Women's Romans Study
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Copyright © *2022 Redeemer Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1126, Tomball, Texas 77377
(281) 374-1700