One Service under the tent!
Brunch feast begins @ 9:30am. Service begins at approx. 10:15am.

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News and Announcements

Hospitality Team Training


The Redeemer Hospitality Team exists to welcome others as God in Christ has welcomed us. Opportunities to serve include: greeting, parking lot attendants, providing food and/or coffee at special events and services, and more. Join us for our upcoming training for both current greeters and new greeters. 

If you plan to attend, please register below. This will help us know how many people to expect.  For additional questions or info about the ministry or training, email Mandy Odom. 

Register for Training
Email Mandy

Abba's House, a Redeemer ministry partner, has recently added a new cabin to their property which has expanded their housing capacity. This will allow them to serve multiple refugee families at once. Due to this, their need for volunteers will be increasing in the coming months. To prepare for this growth, they will be having a Volunteer Orientation & Training on Monday, October 3rd, from 9-11am.

If you have an interest in volunteering or would like more information about this ministry, please consider attending the training. If you are unable to attend but would still like to know more, you can indicate that on the sign-up form and someone from Abba's House will contact you. 

 All demographics are welcomed, but there is a special need for  women who are available on weekday mornings to work in one of two areas:
  •  With refugee moms on basic life skills (how to use appliances, currency, riding a bus, medication, etc.)
  •  With refugee children in an educational/classroom type of setting

Abba's House
16614 Mueschke Rd
Cypress, TX  77433

Abba's House Website
Abba's House Volunteer Training

September 28th


What is life in the Redeemer family like? What are the underlying values that shape the way we see the world and our ministry together? This Sunday we continue our series called DNA: The Values that Shape Us. During this series, we are looking together at four scriptural values that we believe both characterize our church family now and will continue shaping us into the image of Christ.

9/25 (Sun) || Membership Class: Session 2
9/26 (Mon) || Romans: Men's PM Romans Study
(Week 3)
9/28 (Wed) || Romans: Women's AM Romans Study (Week 3)
9/28 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / Worship Arts / Orphan Care Mtg
9/28 (Wed) || Romans: Men's PM Romans Study *Online 
(Week 3)
9/29 (Thu) || Romans: Women's PM Romans Study (Week 3)
10/4 (Tue) || Young Adult Bible Study
10/5 (Wed) || Student Main Gathering / Worship Arts
10/8 (Sat) || Men's Breakfast 
10/8 (Sat) || Hospitality Team Meeting
10/8 (Sat) || Learn To Sew
Livestream Link
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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1126, Tomball, Texas 77377
(281) 374-1700