We are excited to share a new church rhythm as we head into the Fall. Following our wonderful fellowship meals this summer, we are going to move to a monthly 2nd Wednesday family gathering. But it won’t be just a meal. We will eat together (potluck style) at 6pm, followed by opportunities for all ages from 7-8:15pm. This will include:
Our monthly prayer & worship service for adults
RSM (7th-12th grade) main gathering (worship & teaching)
Redeemer Kids (Kinder to 6th grade) Worship Arts. This is a new opportunity. Elementary kids will have their own gathering to focus on Jesus & his word through music & arts.
There will also be childcare for the little ones during this time.
Our first “2nd Wednesday” gathering will be September 8th. Mark your calendars and join us!
Making Disciples and Making Much of Jesus
We have long recited this as our church’s mission. But what does it mean? More than our website or a catchy slogan, what does it look like for us, as a family of believers, to make (and be) disciples of Jesus and to make much of Him.
This Sunday Pastor Kevin concludes the two week series by examining through scripture what it looks like for us to "Make Much of Jesus'" in our everyday lives.
It's not too late to join one of our classes this Fall. If you have been thinking about registering for a class, now is a great time to go ahead and sign up using the link below. After that, all you need to do is pick up your book Sunday morning! Or if you prefer, you can sign up in person on Sunday morning. We will have a table in the foyer again to register and pick up books.
August 29 || Co-Ed Inductive Bible Study (Week 1) August 29 || Fall Family Meeting August 30 || Men's Bible Study PM (Week 1) August 31 || Orphan Care Meeting September 1 || Women's Bible Study AM (Week 1) September 1 || Men's Online Bible Study PM (Week 1) September 2 || Women's Bible Study PM (Week 1) September 5 || NEW Service Times - 9:15AM & 11AM